Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Recipe Time!!

Today I have grapefruit on my mind. It could be because grapefruit is so yummy or because I'm lazy right now and need easy recipes, or even because I have very little in my home to eat besides grapefruit, pickles, and eggs. On a side note, I seriously have to go to the grocery today. It's been two weeks and supper last night was sketchy at best.  Anyhow, one May have to acquire the taste for grapefruit, and I think this recipe is a great place to start. Juicy, fresh, sweet, full of texture, and...EASY!!! What's not to love. The following recipe serves two, or you can be like me and eat the whole thing with little guilt.

1 large grapefruit, segmented
Juice of 1/2 navel orange
1/4 cup pomegranate arels
2 TBSP unsweetened coconut.

Mix together and serve. If grapefruit is bitter to you, you may be surprised how much the juice and pomegranates sweeten things up. The coconut adds a pleasant nutty texture. Unsweetened coconut can be found  near specialty flours and seasonings.

On busy mornings, I would have this along with a poached egg and oatmeal. Very filling and yummy.