Monday, May 4, 2015

Not a Fan...

of breakfast.  They tell me it's the most important meal of the day, fuel for the body, etc., but for me it's something I force.  In the last year, I have definitely learned the power of eating "enough".  In the past, my metabolism has suffered greatly due to my not eating enough calories...our bodies need fuel or will go in to emergency mode and start storing EVERYTHING we consume.  Slowish, sluggish, fattish bodies will ensue, lots of ish's we don't want.  I don't know about y'all, but an ideal breakfast to me MUST include fatty, salty pork (bacon and sausage, yum), eggs with velveeta, biscuits and gravy...all things unhealthy.  After starting the Daniel Plan, I noticed that lunch and supper were a breeze to prepare in a healthful way, but breakfast, well...not so much.  I'm going to share a few things that I like for breakfast.

Turkey sausage patties

1 lb ground turkey
1 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp ground sage
1/8-1/4 tsp cayenne

For me, turkey sausage is very soft and sticky, so I have better luck mixing this in a food processor. Mixing by hand is fine, just realize seasoning is harder to distribute evenly. Place all ingredients in food processor and process lightly.  You should get about 8-3" patties out of this. Heat a bit of olive oil in skillet before frying.  You will need this as the sausage has little fat.  Fry over med-med high heat until both sides are well browned.  This is a huge improvement over pre-packaged turkey sausage.

I love to take 1-2 patties, a poached egg and a couple tbsps. of pico de gayo and layer them on my plate for a quick breakfast.  This is also good with veggie refried beans, a chopped sausage patty and pico de gayo wrapped in a corn tortilla.

These days I do lots of oatmeal.  It's filling, relatively cheap (as far as gluten-free foods go) and easy. I've recently discovered Chex oatmeal packets.  They are delish, gluten-free and have only 8 grams or so of sugar per serving.  I keep these around for those super rushed mornings at home and work. If I have time in the evenings, I like to make overnight oats in the crock-pot.  My biggest suggestion on this is to keep steel-cut oats on hand.  Rolled oats turn to mush in the crockpot, yuck!

Pumpkin Overnight Oats

1 1/4 cups steel-cut oats
1 cup pumpkin puree
1 apple, diced with skin, I like Pink Lady or Honeycrisp
4 1/4 cups unsweetened almond milk
pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg

Add all ingredients, give it a good stir and cook on low overnight.  I like to sometimes add raisins and almonds to my bowl of oats.  This recipe does not include sweetener.  Personally, I add either honey or Stevia to my bowl, but maple syrup would be good too.

Apple-Cinnamon Overnight Oats

2 apples, sliced
1 tsp cinnamon
2 c oatmeal, I actually like rolled oats on this one
2 c almond milk
2 c water

Mix together and cook for 8 hours on low. Again, I really like to add stevia to mine for sweetness.  Also, pecans would be a yummy addition, totally optional though.

I have a ton of overnight oat recipes, let me know if y'all would like more.  Have a blessed week!

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